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Regent's Punch Recipe

Regent’s Punch, favoured by King George IV, uses the light, refreshing and caffeinated traits of green tea added to a mix of spirits, champagne and fruit juice.

There are a number of different variations of the Regent’s Punch but the consistent elements are green tea, champagne and citrus fruits, with brandy, arrack, rum and sherry being among the recommended spirits. For our recipe, we've tried to keep it as simple as possible and the result should be about 13% ABV although you can strengthen or weaken the punch for your own preferences. For the punch to be truly regal in nature then a good champagne should be used, but if you opt for a cheaper cava or prosecco only you’re most discerning guests will notice!

What you need to make 3 litres of Punch (serves 12 - scale the recipe as required)

  • 750ml (1 bottle) of champagne or sparkling white substitute
  • 750ml of green tea (we used 18g of our Japan Sencha Green Tea, for its light and refreshing nature). 
  • 325ml of dark rum (1/2 bottle)
  • 325ml of cognac (1/2 bottle)
  • 250ml of orange juice
  • 250ml of pineapple juice
  • 250ml of lemon & lime juice
  • Up to 12 teaspoons of sugar (depending on how sweet your fruit juice is)
  • 1 sliced Orange, 1 sliced lemon & 1 sliced lime to garnish


  1. Infuse your green tea for 3-4 minutes with 750ml of boiling filtered water. The best time for the sugar to be added to your punch is now, when the tea is still hot.
  2. Add the spirits and fruit juice and mix.
  3. Refrigerate until cold.
  4. Once you are ready to serve, remove the punchbowl from the fridge and add champagne, garnish and ice.
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